
News from the NST Team


Mini-Workshop on Neuromorphic Engineering, 2.-3. September 2014

NST is co-organizing a short workshop on Neuromorphic Engineering at the BCCN Conference 2014 in Göttingen. The workshop will take place on September 02. - 03., the main conference on 03. - 05. September.[more]


24.04. 16:30 Post-exam review Computational Intelligence

The post-exam review of Computational Intelligence will take place on Thursday, 24th of April between 16:30 and 17:30 at the Institute of Automatic Control Engineering (LSR), Building N5, room N2520.[more]


New BA/MA thesis proposals available

There are new proposals for Bachelor- and Master Theses available. If you are interested in one of the proposals, please contact the responsible supervisor. the theses proposals.[more]


Presentation at LMU's center for Mathematical Philosophy

NST invited presentation in the Colloquium of LMU’s center for Mathematical Philosophy (, scheduled for fall 2014[more]


Telluride 2014 Co-Organization

NST selected as co-organizer of the 2014 Telluride Workshop on Neurmorphic Engineering, workgroup on “Neuromorphic Olympics” with Terry Stewart, University of Waterloo.[more]


Papers accepted at ICRA 2014

Two papers from NST accepted at ICRA 2014 ( for oral presentations; congratulations to David Weikersdorfer, Francesco Galluppi and all co-authors![more]


NST at VDI Colloqium "Medizintechnik"

NST Invited presentation in the VDI Colloquium “Medizintechnik”, scheduled for 24. Juni 2014[more]


Bernstein Sparks Workshop 2013

Bernstein Sparks Workshop on “NeuroEngineering the Brain: From Neuroscience to Robotics... and back”, more than 70 participants from academia and industry, details[more]


PhD Thesis Submission

David Weikersdorfer submitted his PhD thesis, defense scheduled for early 2014. Congratulations![more]


Telluride 2013 Co-Organization

NST co-organizer in the 2013 Telluride Workshop on Neuromorphic Engineering, work-group on Universal Neuromorphic Devices and Sensors for Real-Time Mobile Robotics[more]