
News from the NST Team
2(!) New Editions of Think. Make. Start. - Apply Now!
TMS is scaling! First run in the city center in September! This summer we offer two separate TMS courses for the first time. In addition to the classical TMS event in Garching we will host another TMS in the city center on the TUM main campus. Dates for the next TMS courses in...[more]
Weißwurstfrühstück at NST!

Thanks to the two organizers, Christoph and Nicolai, NST enjoyed a delicious Weißwurstfrühstück! [more]
Think.Make.Start.#7: Apply now!
Apply now for Think.Make.Start.#7: In 14 days from idea to prototype! You like to hack state-of-the-art technology, develop exciting ideas and create awesome new products? Our cross-faculty lab course Think.Make.Start. enables you to do just that! Be sure to apply by Feb,...[more]
NST Christmas Event 2017: Bubble Soccer

NST had a fantastic Christmas Event 2017 playing heated matches of Bubble Soccer. Rumors are that there are still ongoing discussions about the final score... The event closed with a delicious dinner with German cuisine![more]
Think.Make.Start.#6: Computer Vision, Augmented Reality, Water-, and Brain-Waves
Think.Make.Start#6 just ended with a spectacular Demo Day on Tuesday night. It was probably the most high-tech edition so far: AR, ML, CV, EEG, Cryptography and more were all used to good purpose! We had automatic traffic monitoring, EEG-based drowsiness detection, entertainment...[more]
Exam Inspections will take place on 24.10.2017 from 16:45 - 17:45 in N0507
The inspections of the exams in Neural EngineeringLarge Scale Modeling and Large Scale AnalyticsNeuronal Deep Learning for Autonomous SystemsRepetition: Mixed Signal ElectronicsRepetition: Computational Intelligence taken during the Summer Term 2017 will take place on...[more]
NST at the Oktoberfest 2017!

NST had a splendid time at the Oktoberfest 2017 with plenty of food and drinks! Prosit![more]
Apply now for Think.Make.Start. VI: In 14 days from idea to prototype!

You like to hack state-of-the-art technology, develop exciting ideas and create awesome new products? Our cross-faculty lab course Think. Make. Start. that enables you to do just that. Be sure to apply before Aug, 28th: For more information,...[more]
11.05.2017, 12:15 - 13:45 Post-exam reviews Computational Intelligence & Mixed Signal Electronics
The post-exam reviews of Computational Intelligence and Mixed Signal Electronics will take place on 11th of May 2017 between 12:15 and 13:45 at the Institute of Automatic Control Engineering (LSR), Building N5, room N0507.[more]
NST Lab Hike to beautiful Spitzingsee!

NST had a wonderful day near Spitzingsee, Bavaria! Of course this included an adventurous sledding event and delicious food on the ridge of the mountain.[more]