Fundamentals of computer science for Neuroengineering

Vortragende/r (Mitwirkende/r)
Umfang4 SWS
SemesterWintersemester 2017/18
Stellung in StudienplänenSiehe TUMonline
TermineSiehe TUMonline


Teilnahmekriterien & Anmeldung


After completion of the module students are able to understand characteristics of different programming concepts and languages. They can evaluate which language to use for a given task and implement simple programs/projects independently.


Introduction to computer science, computer programming, and data processing. Differences between programming procedural vs object oriented; discussing efficiency of code execution vs. simplicity of programming; introduction to programming in C, python and matlab (or similar respective environments).

Studien-, Prüfungsleistung

oral, 30 min


Termine (Update)

Fr 27.10.2017 09:00-13:15; Karlstr. 45, Room -1009

Fr 27.10.2017 13:15-17:00; 2026, Karlstraße-Seminarraum (2906.02.026)

Fr 03.11.2017 09:00-13:15; Karlstr. 45, Room -1009

Fr 03.11.2017 13:15-17:00; 2026, Karlstraße-Seminarraum (2906.02.026)

Sa 04.11.2017 10:00-15:00; 2026, Karlstraße-Seminarraum (2906.02.026)

Fr 10.11.2017 09:00-13:15; Karlstr. 45, Room -1009

Fr 10.11.2017 13:15-17:00; 2026, Karlstraße-Seminarraum (2906.02.026)

Fr 17.11.2017 09:00-13:15; Karlstr. 45, Room -1009

Fr 17.11.2017 13:15-17:00; 2026, Karlstraße-Seminarraum (2906.02.026)

Sa 18.11.2017 10:00-15:00; 2026, Karlstraße-Seminarraum (2906.02.026)

Important Note

The lecture will be highly hands-on, so in order to participate in the coding exercises all participants should bring their laptops and charger.